Forgive me if I sound distracted. There is a large noisy cow outside the window at the new internet center. It has taken an hour of juggling IP addresses, but I have unbelievably connected at a reasonable speed from the comfort of a new building on the LOOCIP compound.
Saturday, moving day, began with a bang. Well actually more of a screech. We were hit by a lorry as we made our way to our waiting transport from Arusha. The ugly metal on metal sound as small Suzuki met the side of large lorry was far worse than the ultimate superficial damage. In the end it only amounted to a frustration and a delay.
We got our gear piled into a hired Peugeot...a great one with no evident duct tape holding any necessary bits on, and a terrific driver to boot...and made our way to Longido through the familiar but dusty landscape. Arriving at the complex was a regular hugfest. My wee Arnold has grown so much and came running for hugs from Mama Jotu. So many welcoming faces.
Our tent camp is difficult to describe..hopefully I can upload photos soon. The panorama from my tent porch includes Kilimanjaro, Mt. Meru., and miles and miles of big African sky. The trees are full of birds especially in the early morning.
The only downside so far, is the night wind which begins at 9pm and goes til after midnight. My tent howls and flaps and I haven't been able to learn to sleep through the noise yet. But, the mesh window at my bedside lets me look out at a blanket of stars in the blackest night you could imagine.
I'm rushing to vacate this space for an incoming class. I will try to write again soon.
Healthy, happy, getting adjusted, all's well.
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