Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Back to Africa -- Today!!!

After the crazy six week flurry that was my visit home, I'm off to Montreal today to catch an evening flight to Amsterdam. Tomorrow night I'll be boarding a plane to Nairobi and Thursday I'll be making my way on to Arusha for a few days before returning to Longido.

Apologies are due to a number of folks I simply didn't have time to connect with while I was in Canada. I really had no idea how many loose ends I'd be busy tidying up nor how quickly the time would fly by. I think that when I come home again late in June, I'd best throw one big party and ensure I get to see everyone at once!!

Thanks to everyone who's contributed to my bulging return baggage full of medications, small toys for the kids, and computer training supplies. I can assure you that every bit of that will be appreciated at its destination.

I'm not sure what sort of schedule I'll be keeping this time around, but will do my best to keep the blog updated on a weekly basis. Those of you who were corresponding with me on the super-slow @habari.co.tz address should know that I may not be reestablishing that account this time around. However, news and greetings from home are always a treat at my gmail account when I get web access.

And now, once again....let the adventure begin!!


1 comment:

Bright Ideas Software said...

Hi Joanne
I have been following your blog and heard that you were on another adventure. It is amazing and I was not surprised that you would take on such an adventure and culture shock.

I would like to put a small feature on you the New Deep River and Area Blog that I have recently created. I am looking to feature people near and far....and what they are doing.

I will update your directory entry which still has your old address to point to your blog.

Ours is http://deepriverarea.blogspot.com/
(you might recognize the view in the photo on the front page from the point)